



 ビジネスデザイン学科では、2020年度からテンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ)とのダブル・ディグリー・プログラム(DDP※)を開始しました。学科初のTUJDDP第1期生(2020年度入学)の2人は、2022年9月にTUJに編入し、2年間TUJで学びを深めました。2024年5月にはTUJを卒業し、BA(学士号)in General Studies (教養学科)、Concentration in Economics (経済学コンセントレーション)の学位を取得しました。





Hi, I’m Mio Suzuki in the Department of Business Design, attending the TUJ-SWU Double Degree Program(DDP).
This time, I graduated from Temple University as the first-generation student in the Department of Business Design TUJ DDP.


In the Graduation Ceremony held on May 17, 2024, we received congratulatory speeches as well as passionate messages for a new beginning from Dean Matthew J. Wilson and guests. These speeches made me feel even more proud to be a TUJ graduate and strengthened my desire to continue taking on new challenges and moving forward.


Since I was a first-generation student of DDP, I often felt anxious about an uncertain future. However, by continuing to move forward step by step, I was able to graduate. The challenge of a double degree has given me the confidence to support me today.

 ビジネスデザイン学科の新たな挑戦の可能性を広げられたことを誇りに感じています。ビジネスデザイン学科には自分の興味関心や目標に合わせて多様な選択肢があります。その中の一つとしてTUJ DDPを目指す学生が増えれば一期生として嬉しいです。

I am proud to have been able to expand the possibilities for new challenges of the Department of Business Design. The Department of Business Design offers a variety of options to suit your interests and goals. As a first-generation student of DDP, I would be glad if more students were to aim for the TUJ DDP as one of those options.