ビジネスデザイン学科では、2020年度からテンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ)とのダブル・ディグリー・プログラム(DDP※)を開始しました。学科初のTUJDDP第1期生(2020年度入学)の2人は、2022年9月にTUJに編入し、2年間TUJで学びを深めました。2024年5月にはTUJを卒業し、BA(学士号)in General Studies (教養学科)、Concentration in Economics (経済学コンセントレーション)の学位を取得しました。
I graduated from Temple University. My days there were filled with excitement and bustling activity, passing by in what seemed like mere moments.
Due to the pandemic, I could not pursue overseas studies as planned. In searching for alternative ways to broaden my global perspective, I found the double degree program at Temple University, which piqued my interest. My English proficiency was modest at the time, with a TOEIC score of around 650, falling short of the IELTS score required for admission to Temple University. Nevertheless, I was determined to expand my horizons and build confidence through this program, and thus, I dedicated myself to improving my language skills.
Having met the English (IELTS) score requirements for admission to Temple University, I thought that I would be able to keep pace with the classes. However, I was confronted with the demand for near-native fluency in English, leading to significant challenges and frustration. To improve this situation, I used the university’s academic support services to discover learning strategies suited to my personal needs. By the final semester, I had become confident enough to participate actively in discussions, achieving a GPA of 4.0.
Temple University offers a variety of activities, and I was able to expand my community by participating in.
I am attending a preparatory school to study for my next goal to obtain U. S. Certified Public Accountant (USCPA) .