
Letters from Boston 2024, #9 Meet and greetについて




Hello, this is Tamai. I would like to introduce the programs we can participate in at Showa Boston. At Showa Boston, we have opportunities the opportunity to interact with local people living in Boston.


ボランティアの方と昭和の学生2-3人でマッチングし、留学期間何度も会い、コミュニケーションをとることのできるSFCと地元の大学のイベントに訪問したり、校内で行われる地元の人を招いたイベントに参加できるMeet and greetがあります。この2つのうちどちらかを選ぶことができます。

There are two main types of activities.

In the SFC activity, volunteers are matched with 2-3 Showa students, and they can meet and communicate with each other many times during their study abroad period. In the meet and greet activity, we can visit local university events or participate in events held on campus that invite local people. We could choose between two.

私はmeet and greet に参加しているので、meet and greet について詳しく紹介したいと思います。Meet and greetは月に数回行われています。すべてに参加する必要はなく、自分の予定に合わせて参加することができます。

I am participating in a meet and greet event, so I would like to share more about it.

Meet and greet events are held several times a month. We don’t have to attend all of them, we can join according to your schedule.

近くにある大学で開催されたmeet and greetに参加しました。そこでは書道や射的など日本のアクティビティーや他のアジアの遊びを体験することができました。

I participated in a meet and greet event held at a nearby university, where they were holding a cultural festival, and I was able to experience Japanese activities such as calligraphy and target shooting, as well as games from other Asian countries.

他にもメールでやり取りをするものや、一緒におにぎりを作ったり、ゲームをするなど様々なmeet and greetがあります。

There are also various other meet and greets, such as communicating via email, making rice balls together, or playing games.

meet and greet で知り合った人とインスタやラインを交換して友達を作ることができます。私は知り合った人と『借りぐらしのアリエッティ』を見に行きました。Meet and greet で知り合った人と遊びに行くことはいい経験になると思います。

We can make friends with people you meet through meet and greet by exchanging Instagram and LINE information. I went to see “The Secret World of Arrietty” with a friend I met there. I think going out with people you meet through meet and greet will be a good experience.