


7月29日から始まった、BAA-Joint Summer Program2024が本日最終日を迎えました。



最終日には、これまでの学びをもとに、各グループが選定した企業をSDGsとESGの視点から分析しました。そして、経営コンサルタント、機関投資家株主、環境活動団体のいずれかの立場に立って助言を行う形式で、約20分間のプレゼンテーションを実施しました。私たちのグループは、デンマークの銀行「Danske Bank」を事例として、機関投資家株主の観点から分析し、提言を行いました。プレゼンテーション後の質疑応答では多様な視点からの質問を受け、さらに学びを深めることができました。全チームのプレゼン後はClosing sessionが行われ、両国の先生の講評や優勝チーム、Student awardなどの発表がありました。優勝チームはアパレル業界を事例として取り上げたGroup5でした。また今年度は2名の学生がStudent awardに選ばれました。受賞した皆さんおめでとうございます!

優勝チーム! Group 5
SWU Best Student Award 受賞のお二人。9月からのBAAでの渡航型研修に参加されます。

その後行われたClosing Partyではプレゼンテーションの緊張から解放され、楽しく充実したひとときを過ごしました。また、プログラムは終了してしまいましたがデンマークの学生の帰国まで日本を観光するなど一緒に過ごせることがとても楽しみです。

Mange Tak!


Hey everyone! 

We’ve finally reached the last day of the BAA-SWU Joint Summer Program 2024, and it’s time for our final presentations at Cosmos Hall. The task was for each group to take on the role of either a Management Consultant or Institutional Investor, analyze the CSR and ESG efforts of a target company, and propose new approaches based on that analysis.

My group focused on Fast Retailing, a leader in the apparel industry, and presented as Management Consultants. While preparing, we dove into case studies, used ESG book for data analysis, and compared insights from other companies. This gave us the chance to develop real-world business skills that we don’t often get to practice with theory-oriented in-class learning.

Group presentation

It was educational to watch the other groups’ presentations. Each team came up with unique solutions from their respective positions as NGOs, institutional investors, and consultants, giving the audiences many perspectives that we did not have. It was clear that everyone had absorbed a lot from the BAA lectures and worked hard to apply what they’d learned.

Then came the Closing Ceremony for the presentations… and guess what? Our group has been rewarded with best presentation award. It was such an amazing feeling to see all our hard work pay off!


After that, we had a Farewell Party, where everyone got to reflect on the past two weeks and enjoy some fun time together. I’m so grateful to the BAA professors, SWU Global Business Department professors and the senior assistants for their constant support throughout the program.

These two weeks have been so intense but also really rewarding. I learned a lot about CSR and ESG from all angles, but the hands-on experience was the real highlight for me. Collaborating with teammates from different backgrounds and overcoming cultural differences made this experience truly invaluable. I’m confident that this will be a big asset in my future career. I’m excited to keep applying what I’ve learned to tackle global issues with a fresh perspective.

Mange Tak!

Sakiho Yagi