
Letters from Boston 2023+, #6 SFC & CCP


昭和ボストンで、BAP(Boston Academic Program)に参加しているビジネスデザイン学科2年の中津川千聖です。ハロウィーンに近づいた昭和ボストンは、装飾が施されています。そして、ハロウィーン当日はパーティーが行われる予定です。

Hi! I’m Chisato Nakatsugawa, from the department of Business Design. I am a sophomore, and I participate in BAP. There are many decorations at Showa Boston because of Halloween. In addition, we have a party coming up on Halloween night.

本日は、昭和ボストンのプログラムSFC(Showa Friendship Circle)とCCP(College Connection Program)をご紹介いたします。どちらのプログラムも、ボストンに住むネイティブスピーカーと交流することができ、アメリカの文化を体験します。
Today I will talk about Showa Friendship Circle (SFC) and College Connection Program (CCP). These programs are where we can meet native speakers that live in Boston. We also can experience holidays and American culture with them.


I participate in the SFC program. The SFC is where we can meet families and adults. During fall semester we can experience Halloween, Thanksgiving and Charismas with them. I go to my partner’s house on the weekend. I went to beaches and made cookies.


Next, I will talk about CCP. This program is only during the fall semester. The main characteristic is meeting college students who live in Boston. It is a good opportunity because we can take college’s classes for 1 day and experience campus life in the US. My friends hung out with their partners and go to an acai bowl shop.



So what do you think? You can participate one program, SFC or CCP in the fall semester! Which program would you like to participate in?

This is BAP’s main feature: spending the holidays with native speakers.

Have a nice day!