
Letters from Boston 7:キャリアフェア2022 / Career fair 2022

Hallo! I’m your Boston reporter, Kiwa Tomonari.


Showa Boston held a career fair on June 8th! The Newbury Hotel, Japan Airlines, New Balance, Google, Panasonic, Crane and Turtle, Turner Construction and Architecture, Hubspot, Caitie’s Closet, Boston Consulting Group/MBA Candidate, Harvard Business School came to Showa Boston and they talked about their business and their experiences to students! We kept the number of participants small, so each student could ask questions. There are some Japanese who work in the US and go to Harvard Business school after quitting a Japanese company. I listened to their interesting life-stories.

6月8日、キャリアフェアが昭和ボストンで行われましたThe Newbury Hotel、Japan Airlines 、New Balance、Google、Panasonic、Crane and Turtle 、Turner Construction and Architecture  、HubSpot、Caitie’s Closet、Boston Consulting Group/MBA Candidate, Harvard Business Schoolの皆さんが昭和ボストンに来て下さり、会社について、ご自身の経験についてお話してくださいました!少人数で行われるため、学生が直接質問をすることができました。中にはアメリカで企業をしている日本人の方や日本の企業退職後にハーバードの大学院に通っている方もいらっしゃり、興味深い経験を聴くことができました。

キャリアフェア/ Career fair

I was able to talk with almost everybody. I asked all of them “what are the things that I have to do while a student?”. Everyone answered,“Do take actions without fear of failure.” This life advice is very helpful for students who are more afraid about their future.


 There are a lot of chances to meet while studying abroad in Boston. I felt how broad the world is each time, and recognized how fabulous the environment around me is.


Thank you for reading.

From Kiwa