


BAA-SWU Joint Summer Program 2024に参加しているビジネスデザイン学科3年の鬼頭 花音と中津川千聖です。


Hi! This is Kanon Kito and Chisato Nakatsugawa. We are juniors of Department of Business Design. We would like to share our experiences on August 1 with you.


Energy Transition and its impact on business – Comparison of Japan and Denmark というタイトルでご講義を賜りました。


Firstly, we visited the Denmark Royal Embassy located in Daikanyama to study energy transition in Japan and Denmark. It was a valuable time to   compare two countries from a sustainable energy perspective. For example, Denmark is focusing on wind power, however, Japan has not been able to make a big transition to renewable energy due to natural disasters and the huge cost of setting equipment.

Visit to Royal Danish Embassy



In the afternoon, we had a lecture on global climate change and energy choice by Professor Masako Konishi, who is also working for WWF (World Wildlife Fund). We learned about the Paris Agreement and other international treaties on climate change. She mentioned how important it is to reduce CO2 emissions, with examples of the impacts of climate change. It is necessary to reduce the use of fossil fuels, the main energy we use, and shift to renewable energy for future generations. We also discussed which energy to choose as future energy by putting ourselves in the country’s shoes in a group.


夜は、チームメイトと夕食を食べにお寿司屋さんに行きました。彼女たちが海ぶどうなどデンマークにない様々な日本の食べ物を食べているのが印象的でした。また、デンマークと日本の違いを話している中でたこ焼きにそっくりなデンマークのスイーツを発見しました。デンマーク語で ”æbleskive” (エイブルスキーバー)というパンケーキのようなものだそうです。食事を通してお互いの文化について更に理解が深まりました。

In the evening, we had dinner with our teammates. We went to a traditional sushi restaurant. We were happy to see them try Japanese food. We also talked about the differences between the two countries. I heard that there is a Danish dessert called “æbleskive,” which looks completely the same as Takoyaki. That was a good time to get to know each other.

Discover umi-budoo (sea grapes)


Thank you for reading. See you in the next blog!