
Letters from Boston 2024, #8 Walking Club






Hello everyone. I’m Rina Ono, and I’m reporter from Boston. In this newsletter, I would like to introduce club activities at Showa Boston. There are about 15 clubs in Showa Boston. These clubs range from sports clubs such as tennis and volleyball to culture clubs such as video games and tea ceremonies.


I would like to introduce the walking club that I belong to. The main activity of the walking club is to go for a walk in the park. The location of the activity changes each time, so I am always excited to go to new places. The teachers bring their dogs with them when they do activities, so one of the attractions of the walking club is that we can interact with the dogs. There are parks where the dogs can be taken off their leashes for a walk, so I enjoy walking in the park with the dogs running around. There are also plans to do activities at the beach in the future, so I am looking forward to experiencing what the activities will be like. The walking club has a lot more to it than just exercise, as we can communicate not only with the teachers and other students, but also with people we meet during the activities


There are many attractive clubs at Showa Boston, and I think students will be able to gain experiences that can’t be gained in the classes. Students can belong to more than one club, which gives them the opportunity to try many different things. I recommend that you participate in club activities when you study abroad at Showa Boston!


Thank you for watching until the end. Please look forward to the next newsletter!

#Letters from Boston  #ボストン #ボストン留学 #受験生へ #新入生へ #留学