
Letters from Boston 2023+, #11 Happy thanksgiving!


昭和ボストンで、BAP(Boston Academic Program)に参加しているビジネスデザイン学科2年の中津川千聖です。本日は、アメリカのホリデー、Thanksgivingについてご紹介いたします。Thanksgivingは日本語で収穫祭と呼ばれます。ヨーロッパからアメリカに渡ってきたピルグリムが新たな場所で初めて収穫できたことを神に感謝したことが始まりです。

Hi! I’m Chisato Nakatsugawa, from the department of Business Design. I am a sophomore, and I participate in BAP. I will talk about one of the most popular holidays, Thanksgiving.


Showa Boston closed on 22-26 Nov. During Thanksgiving, some students went to SFC partner’s house and experienced the holiday. Some students went to travel. I went to my aunt house for 3 days.


Look at this picture. This is Turkey and mashed potato these are traditional dishes. In addition, there are different tradition for each family. In my aunt’s family, a traditional dish is pomegranate salad.


This is apple pie and pumpkin pie. My cousins and I peeled apple and made pumpkin pie. In addition, we made a gingerbread cookies house because of her family tradition. I did experience special things, so I was impressed by everything. Have a nice day!