

浅田ゼミでは12月16日にチョコレート、パティスリー、ベーカリーの原材料メーカーとして世界的地位を誇るベルギーのPuratos社の日本支社を訪れました。クリスマスシーズンにふさわしいPuratosチョコレートがたっぷり入った濃厚なココアドリンクをいただきながら、マーケティングディレクター中井崇様より、理論だけでは学ぶことのできない貴重なB to B (to C)マーケティングのご講義をいただきました。Puratos社のサイトはこちら



― チョコレート、パティスリー、ベーカリーの原点にせまる―

Adventure to Puratos Japan–the origin of chocolate, patisserie, and bakery

皆さんこんにちは。浅田ゼミ四年のTee Xinyee・高橋 莉奈です。間もなく一年で街が最も輝くシーズン、クリスマスですね!この時期にはみなさんも綺麗にデコレーションされたケーキやパティスリー、チョコレートを食べる機会や目にする機会が多いのではないでしょうか。綺麗な美味しいものを食べるときはすごくワクワクしますよね。しかし、目にしたり、実際に食べるデザートやパティスリーがどのようにして皆さんの手元に届くのか、みなさんは考えたことがありますか?これらの製品は、どのような過程を経てケーキ屋さんやパン屋さんに届けられるのでしょうか。

Soon, it’s Christmas time again! What does it mean? To me, it means that we will be surrounded by many deliciated cakes, pastries, chocolates…but wait! When you enjoying the well decorated, art-like desserts and pastries, have you ever wondered where did they come from? What was the process like before a chocolate mousse cake displayed in the bakery?

Innovation Center, Puratos Japan


In this Christmas-ish season, Asada seminar went on an exciting adventure—a visit to Puratos Japan, a bakery, patisserie and chocolate ingredient manufacturer, to find out answers to the questions.


When we think of the process of how a chocolate mousse cake is made and then delivered to the bakeries in all over Japan, we might think that we need manufactures of the cake, who design and then put all the ingredients together to make the products. Then, we will need to deliver them to the specific stores or bakeries to sell them and it will be displayed in the display window and be sold.


But again, wait! Did we miss anything? Yes, there are also different kinds of ingredient providers even before the product manufacturers.


We might never imagine how important the role of ingredient providers/manufacturers are despite the fact that we are consuming the bakery and pastry products every day, aren’t we? But why is that so? Because the position of the ingredient providers in the supply chain is too far away from us, the end consumer. Therefore, they seem to be an invisible part of the whole supply chain to us.

そこで・・今回の訪問ではチョコレート、ベーカリー、パティスリーのサプライチェーンの目に見えない側面を覗いてみました。更に、この非常に競争の激しい業界で、B to Bビジネスがどのようにブランドを確立し、マーケティングを行うかについて学習しました。

Therefore, the main purpose of this adventure is to take a peek at the invisible side of the chocolate, patisserie, and bakery supply chain. More specifically, we looked into how B to B businesses brand and market themselves in this highly competitive industry.



Let’s think about this question. If you are the ingredient manufacturer like Puratos, who owns and provides excellent quality sourdough for bread or praline, how would you sell them to your customers which are the patisserie or bakery manufacture or bakeries? Just show the very raw ingredients to your customers and ask what they think about it? That could be an idea but Puratos has better ideas for marketing.


In order to illustrate the advantages of their in-house products, the core ideas of Puratos’ way of marketing are, to know well of the needs of the end consumers (in other words, the customers’ customers) and always be a reliable partner to their “customers.”


  • マーケティング調査を通じてエンドユーザーを理解する
  • ローカル市場だけでなく世界市場の動向を予測する
  • 新製品のメニューを提案する、またはその原料の活用方法を例示する
  • 顧客様のパートナーとして協力し、新製品開発を支援する

In practical, these are the approaches taken by the Puratos:

  • Understand the end-users through marketing research
  • Foresee the trends of not only the local but also the world market
  • Purpose new products menu or illustrates ways to use their ingredients
  • Work with customers as a partner to assist them to develop new products



You can see that the approaches Puratos takes is not just from point A to B, which means if I have Product A, so I just bring it to Company B and sell it. In fact, to achieve their sales goal, they will take different approaches that might not seem directly related to what they do or what they want to do. For example, they develop new products and menu and provide to their customers, they spend time cooperating with their customers to develop new items or understanding the end-users although they are not the one who directly contributes to their sales. These indirect approaches could eventually help them to achieve their final goal.


I do not want to scare you (the blog reader) away with the complicated information, bear with me a little bit and I promise this is almost the end. I just hope it gives you some ideas of how we learn about marketing or other business knowledge not only from the textbooks but also from different field trips or activities like this one.

私たちは今回のピュラトスジャパン社での講義を通して、マーケティングの観点からB to BビジネスがB to Cとどのように異なるかを学び、教室で学んだビジネス理論が実際にどのように実践されているかをよく理解することができました。

From this little adventure, we learned how B to B businesses is different compare to B to C in terms of marketing and also understand better that how the business theories we learned in the classroom were put in practice in the real world.





本当に幸せなひとときでした。私たちをご招待いただき、温かくもてなしていだたいた代表取締役社長Bernardino様、中井様、ピュラトスジャパンのみなさま、本当にありがとうございました!                  Tee Xinyee・高橋 莉奈