


今年も、現代ビジネス研究所の太田行信研究員(米コーネル大MBA。三井住友信託銀行、シティバンク等を経て、現在株式会社ペッパーフードサービス常勤監査役)による、ハイレベルな英語でのビジネス講義が始まりました。TOEIC700点以上を条件に、ビジネスデザイン学科2年、英語コミュニケーション学科、国際学科で募集したところ、英語コミュニケーション学科3年 湊美咲さん、同学科4年 西谷知美さん、国際学科4年 中林成美さんの3名が参加することになり、10月5日に初回の講義を行いました。今後は、隔週金曜の18時から計5回行う予定です。

第1回 International business and hunt for lower labor costs (国際分業と国家間競争)
第2回 Corporate wrong doing and governance (企業不正をめぐるコーポレートガバナンス問題)
第3回 Effective presentation skills and IT marketing (Steve JobsのiPhone発表プレゼンテーション(YouTube)を題材とするプレゼンテーション技術とITマーケティング)
第4回 Amazon vs. Walmart: battle of retail giants in the cyberspace. (オンラインショッピングを巡る小売業者の戦略と戦い)
第5回 Karoshi in Japan: Work-life balance and corporate responsibilities (電通での過労死問題をめぐるワークライフ・バランスと企業の責任)

My last challenge as a student is taking this class and using English without being afraid.This class is comfortable, but I’m little bit nervous because the classmates are only three people.
However, thinking about global business is important for me to work at the company.
I had a valuable time in the first class. I’m looking forward to next class.(中林さん)

I started to take “Business in English Session” on last Friday. During class, I discussed with other members about business in the world and it was interesting for me. In these two months, there are three more classes I’ll take part in, so I’m looking forward to studying about world business more. (西谷さん)

In my first lecture for Business in English, we learned how a good Image of fair trade is used for marketing strategies. This was very interesting because when I think about what I learned, it rings a bell. However it’s like I would never realize it if I wasn’t told. The backside of good aspects is important to know because that’s how I will be able to shift my views from just a customer to a business person. I believe this session is going to be very helpful when I start working in my future. (湊さん)
