
【岸山&デイビスゼミ】New Style Takoyaki Workshopを開催♪

ビジネスデザイン学科 岸山デイビスゼミ 3年 鈴木麻友です。

私たちは6月12日(日)、外国人に向けたNew Style Takoyaki Workshopを行いました。関わったすべての方々に感謝申し上げます。まず、今回の主催者である「東京三軒茶屋ラヂオ焼」の店主・濱川則治さん、日本デザイナー学院の中根大輔先生と齊英智先生、その生徒さん、コンファランスアドバイザーの小林心さんとも打ち合わせをして、綿密に計画を立てました。そして約2か月で英語翻訳のスクリプトを作り、練習をして当日を迎えました。




You did an excellent job preparing for the workshop by translating the teacher’s script from Japanese to English, as well as planning the quiz activity. I hear that the workshop was a great success, and that is because you worked hard on your English and on your presentation skills. This helped the customers from around the world feel happy and comfortable. Congratulations!  ――Brett Davies

You were chatting with customers in a friendly manner. There was good

cultural exchange. You did a wonderful job. I’m really proud of you!

――Mutsumi Kishiyama

I spoke English more than any other time in my life. This is a most hard and awesome experience  ―― SATSUKI

Although I was really nervous after this workshop, I felt a sense of achievement. If we held this workshop again, I would like to improve our performance even more.――  MIU

It was hard to prepare translating for the Takoyaki work shop. However I really enjoyed it with foreign customers.   ――YUKI

By making a good use of my study-abroad experience, I could talk to customers smoothly. I would like to study English more in the future. ―― KUMIKO

At first, I was so nervous about my English. But customers were so kind and they were interested in Japanese culture. We talked about our culture with each other. We had such a good time. Thank you so much.  ――MAYU



