Boston Program

Showa Boston

Business Content-based English Program
The Global Business Program is required for all students to participate in and offered by the Showa Boston campus. As all sophomore students go to the United States together, they do not have to proceed with a visa and travel arrangement individually nor to find a host family by themselves. There are not many universities in Japan that offer a long-term study-abroad as a part of their curricula. Teachers and staff at Showa Boston are very helpful. It is pleasant and easy for students to learn and live with like-minded classmates abroad.

Variety of Optional Program
There are some options after the Global Business Program in Boston. If students want to pursue their international study, they can move to other cities of the United States or Canada and continue to study at the language schools during the summer vacation. If they want to learn various cultures and improve their language and communication skills, these options are recommended because they can interact with students from other countries.

Boston Curriculum

3 Stages of Program
There are 3 steps in the Global Business Program: Jumpstart session, Marketing/Finance unit, and Management/Economics unit. Students with higher proficiency of the English language can take content classes in Marketing, Finance, Economics, and Management, taught by American business professionals.

Small-Sized Classes
There are about 15 students in a class, which makes it possible for them to interact with their teachers closely. In addition, teachers and staff are attentive and always try to understand students’ personalities, so it is easy for students to ask questions and solve problems in a frank way.

Know the Boston Culture
Students will go to field trips to the historical places in Boston, like Freedom Trail and Harvard University. They can directly learn and experience the history of Boston. They can also visit an actual corporate office and have conversations with business professionals.

Experienced-Based Learning
Students will conduct many group works and give presentations. Apart from classroom lectures, students will experience authentic business cases. When students are not confident about doing those tasks, teachers will kindly give them generous feedback.

Dorm Life with Japanese Classmates

At the dormitory of the Showa Boston campus, students share a double room with another student for about 5 months. At first, it might be difficult for the students to adjust themselves in the new environment. However, through the first-hand exchange of Japanese, American, and your own family cultures and by encouraging each other how to survive in classes, eventually, you will get along with your classmates.
         There are many opportunities for the students to get many Japanese and American friends concurrently through teaching each other what they do not understand in the assignments for example, or having dorm-wing parties. You will surely discover many aspects of Japanese people that you would not easily find by attending classes at the Tokyo campus.

Programs and Events

There are many opportunities for students to directly explore Boston City.

April: Japan Festival Boston
The biggest event in April is the Japan Festival, where people experience Japanese traditional food, calligraphy, stage performance of Yosakoi dancing, and playing with Yo-Yo toys. Only volunteers operate the festival, and many students of Showa Boston participate as a staff. Through volunteer work, students expand their friendship with local people by spreading the Japanese culture.

May: Memorial Day and Red Sox Baseball Game
On the last Monday of May, students will experience the Memorial Day, the day of mourning the American soldiers who died during military service. At the Boston Common, students will discover as many American flags planted on the green ground as numbers of the soldiers from Massachusetts who died in the war.
         In this season, students will also relish the Red Sox baseball games. The genuine pleasures of the games are the waves that all the audience shapes together. The students will surely appreciate the sense of unity in the stadium.

June: New York Trip
In the New York City trip, they will go to famous spots like Broadway and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They will obtain first-hand experience of the cutting-edge metropolis.
         Boston has many other interesting events. Taking part in as many of these events as possible will make students’ lives happier and memorable.

※There’s a possibility of change in plan.

Other Study Abroad Opportunities

During the summer break after completion of the Boston Study Abroad Program in the first semester of the sophomore year, students can take part in the Boston Summer Session Program. Additionally, they have the opportunity to extend their stay to the second semester and participate in the Boston Academic Program (BAP) (provided they meet the English proficiency requirements).

Instead of studying abroad at the Showa Boston Campus, students can choose to join a Business-major Study Abroad Program at Partner Universities or pursue a five-year program combining study at SWU and at the Temple University Japan Campus (TUJ) through the Double-Degree Program (DDP) (subject to meeting English proficiency and academic performance criteria).

For students who have studied in Boston, there is also the possibility of enrolling in the “3+1” program (subject to meeting English proficiency and academic performance criteria), where they graduate after three years following accredited study abroad or studying at SWU and then complete TUJ’s Master in Management course in one year. Alternatively, students may choose to participate in another study abroad program offered by SWU.

Link to the Showa Boston Homepage